Hi! I'm Yolande. Thank you for viewing my website!

I would like to understand what you encounter as a customer, so that I can help you and think positively with you. I would like to support and advise you as an entrepreneur in the field of Finance (Business - and Financial Controlling), projects, process improvements, implementations and Finance-related topics such as IT and AO/IC. If desired and in consultation I can and want to delve into other areas as well.

I offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to use Finance expertise in their company in a flexible way, because as a virtual Finance Professional I am available from a few hours per month without major financial risks for the client and without the need for a workplace. This can concern specific assignments or a role as a part-time controller / business partner (also for temporary / replacement).
I am a reliable and committed business partner in the field of Finance and I like structure and clarity. I am eager to learn, curious and like to think along with entrepreneurs about the world behind the numbers (also beyond the borders of Finance).

In order to coordinate matters and to have a feeling for the business and the people I work for, I like to visit periodically for a meeting on location. Of course, this is also possible in between in consultation.

Do you have a question or would you like to consult without obligation to see if and what I can do for you? Please contact me via the contact form or send your question directly to yolande@clarityinfinance.nl, so that I can call or e-mail you about the possibilities.

Together Everyone Achieves More


ClaritY in Finance offers its services in the field of:

  • Business & Financial Controlling (also for temporary / replacement)
  • Projects, process improvements, implementations
  • Finance related topics (such as IT and AO/IC)


  • Sparring partner
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Currency issues (foreign currencies)
  • Administration (design, maintenance and improvements)
  • Management / coordination / coaching of employees
  • Periodic reports
  • Analysis, explanation and/or discussion (e.g. of balance sheet and results)
  • Guidance regarding subsidies
  • Tax return (income tax, VAT)
  • Guidance auditing


  • Projects (improvements, changes, implementations, roll-out)
  • Suggest, follow up and implement process improvements


  • AO/IC (process description, working methods, instructions, procedures, authorizations)
  • IT (change) requests from a user perspective
  • Support with the design and implementation of a new system or application
  • IT applications (design, coordination & support)
  • Support in planning, coordinating, structuring and creating an overview
  • Support with regard to communication, websites and the like (in consultation)
  • On request financial (legal) support (e.g. for a lawyer)
  • Deepening into specific topics that require attention (building expertise)
  • Other services


If desired and in consultation I can and want to delve into other areas as well.
I have a special interest in health care, education, welfare, law and real estate.

Although I initially focus on (small to medium-sized) companies and organizations, I am also available to private individuals on special request for support and advice in the financial field.

Do you have a question or would you like to consult without obligation to see if and what I can do for you? Please feel free to contact me.


© ClaritY in Finance



After years of gaining knowledge and experience in the field of finance at a multinational in completely different business units, I felt that it was time to take the step that I had often considered, but had always postponed. A number of major events and circumstances in my life gave me the final push I needed to start my own business with ClaritY in Finance. For me it is a new start, a new beginning in which there is room for balance, I can explore new possibilities and gain new inspiration. 

Flowers bloom where they get space. People too. 

© ClaritY in Finance

I want to distinguish myself through my personal approach and being a reliable, structured, committed sparring partner you can count on.

With ClaritY in Finance I want to help others as a Controller / Business Partner by using my knowledge and experience for various companies and organizations for which I can mean something and continue to develop myself. All this with a good work-life balance, because I work part-time from home and can organize my time myself. The fact that I can work for companies / organizations in different sectors is an extra motivation for me. 

My target group needs structure, insight into the world behind the numbers, part-time (business) controlling, analyzing and improving processes, project support (coordination / implementation / advice) and/or – last but not least – having a sparring partner who asks critical questions and who actively thinks along with you in a positive way, also across the borders of Finance.
My clients want a part-time (online) sparring partner who helps them with a specific topic (project) or on a periodic basis to make their business flourish and strengthen.

Since I work online from home and have gained experience in a multinational, I can and want to work also for entrepreneurs outside the radius around Veldhoven and for entrepreneurs with foreign branches. 

Yolande Boks-Frenken


© ClaritY in Finance


Immediately after the HAVO in Weert, I went to the HEAO Business Economics in Eindhoven. After my graduation for the HEAO Business Economics (BE) I followed various professional courses. Subsequently, I gained many years of work experience in business, mainly at a multinational (Philips, Signify) in various positions, first in Roermond and later in Eindhoven. Over the years I have developed into a controller / business partner with a personal approach who likes to work with others focused on results and added value.

Open and honest communication, knowing what is going on with the customer, working together, working on improvements and implementations, appreciation and occasionally a bit of humor leads to flow and good results for me.

I have been living in Veldhoven for quite some time now with my husband, two children and a Labrador, type cuddly bear. I enjoy listening to music and the radio, walking with my dog, traveling and being in the mountains, doing fitness/cardio and yoga and love art and culture.

More information about my career is available on Linkedin.


The rates for my services depend on the size and requested delivery time of the assignment. My rates are based on half-days. Quotations can be requested after consultation about the assignment / desired service.



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